Sunday, March 21, 2010

Oh How I Love the Library

The internet is a great thing. In ten seconds you can find the answer to any question, discover a great new recipe, or buy the latest song you've been wanting to listen to on your iPod. All of this done from your home or your office desk, even on your phone. While technology has made life easier, it's also kept us from remembering one of the greatest sources of information ever invented. Libraries. I fell in love with the library when I was a very young girl and would beg my mom to take us to check out more books. I remember participating in the summer book reading contests and thrill I would get for winning a prize like a set of stickers. As I got older I went to the library to do research for school projects and in college it was a great place to be to socialize with friends. Somewhere along the way I forgot how wonderful it is to go to the library. We are very lucky to have one just a few miles from our house and I decided to check out what it has to offer. With my 3-month old in tow, I dropped in on a weekday and was so excited when I walked through the door. I had picked a day where there was an infant storytime and as we sat around the circle singing songs and listening to nursery rhymes, I was so excited to rediscover how much I loved the library. This time I was experiencing it through the eyes of my baby as he squealed with happiness when the librarian sang "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star". After storytime we checked out books and CD's I had been wanting to buy and was able to save our money for other things like diapers and food. I even made a new friend with an adorable little 5-month old and made plans to hang out. It was one of the best days Little C and I have had since he was born and that week we went back to the library three more times. If you haven't been to the library lately, go. Click here to find one close to you. There is something there for everyone whether it be storytime, a movie, a book, a DVD, or a new friend.

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